100 conference sessions, 175 expert speakers, 250,000 square-foot exhibit hall, 575 exhibits, and 8,500 attendees – the world’s largest display of e-commerce technology from a newbie’s perspective.

Internet Retailer was a huge success for NetElixir this year! We traveled to Chicago with a mission to convey the power of sharing knowledge with one another… and we succeeded. I underestimated the muscle of using knowledge as our differentiator.

On the first day, NetElixir CEO Udayan Bose gave a pre-conference presentation which stressed the importance of using best practices in SEM campaigns and reinforced the power of sharing practical knowledge with one another. With three hundred people in attendance, overall the presentation received positive feedback and as a result started some exciting conversations!
Since joining the NetElixir team one month back, I have come to appreciate the drive to help companies of all sizes grow their business. It isn’t just about the money. Case and point: At IRCE we launched the LXRMarketplace – a suite of free web-based apps designed to help small business owners run their online marketing campaigns more efficiently. While other companies turned away prospects with low advertising budgets, we had something for everyone.

The exhibit hall was open for 1,215 minutes, and in that time we handed out a Fresh Ideas workbook and NetElixir branded jute bag to one attendee every 6.075 minutes.

We made 135 business contacts, holding one potential client conversation every 9 minutes.

In our short trip, we were also fortunate to be able to join our clients in attendance around the same dinner table for an evening of family style Italian dining at Chicago’s Gioco restaurant. Here I truly witnessed the connection that Udayan has built with each client that extends beyond a business relationship.

Upon our return to Princeton, we were excited to learn that Internet Retailer published an article covering Udayan’s presentation. The article is available here: http://www.internetretailer.com/2012/06/12/irce-2012-report-its-easy-fix-search-marketing-missteps

Big things are happening at NetElixir and positive relationship building is what has allowed us to come so far. We look forward to continuing to share our knowledge with you!

Stay tuned for an update on the big move to our new office!

-Jacqueline, Client Relationship Manager

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