{#AnalyticsWeek} Day 5 – How Your Business Can Benefit from IBM’s Watson

Analytics Week 2016 day 5

Though #AnalyticsWeek 2016 has come to an end, your adventures with analytics shouldn’t. We hope you learned amazing ways to use Google Analytics for your business.

In today’s last and final session of #AnalyticsWeek, Don Rodriguez, Director of Analytics & Account Strategy at NetElixir discussed how Watson can help you effectively communicate your brand’s voice and walked you through data visualization and predictive analytics.

Today we learned:

  • Who/What Watson is. This is an AI system that can answer questions asked naturally and comes with a variety of intelligent features that businesses can use.

  • How to use Personality Traits This tool from Watson combs through text and accurately extracts specific social and cognitive characteristics from the data.

  • How to use Tone Analyzer This feature can give insights about three different types of tones from text like emotion, writing style, and social tendencies. Then it will give suggestions if you’d like to change your tone.

  • Some of the ways IBM Watson Analytics can benefit your business Businesses can use Watson to see predictive analysis and analytical insights so they can make better marketing decisions.

Thanks for being a part of this year’s #AnalyticsWeek! That was a lot of valuable information packed into five short days so you can read our recap blogs anytime if you missed something.

We would love to hear your comments and feedback about #AnalyticsWeek. Please feel free to message us at analytics@netelixir.com.

See ya next year!

View a full recap of our webinar below:

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