Walkers Shortbread is a Scottish brand, renowned for the world’s finest shortbread. The Walkers Shortbread story begins in 1898 when their founder Joseph Walker opened the doors of his bakery with the ambition to make the world’s most delicious pure butter shortbread. Their reputation has continued to grow as new customers around the world discover the quality of Walkers products.
Walker’s needed a stronger digital marketing partner to expand their e-commerce growth.
Our team introduced Search Marketing as an additional channel to acquire new customers. We maximized brand penetration to acquire customers at the bottom of the funnel. This included prioritizing key brand terms for organic ranking and introducing search campaigns to stay competitive. At the upper funnel, we prioritized capturing product level searches while maintaining profitability.
YoY Growth in First Year
I would most definitely recommend NetElixir to other retailers. They provided a lot of in-depth research and analytics that I would not have otherwise known. That NetElixir was fanatically analytical was a driver of impact. Key next steps for our updated website are being driven by SEO, retail, and overall.
Barbara Selvaggio,
E-commerce Manager