Google Rolls Out Expanded Text Ads

Google Rolls Out Expanded Text Ads

More Real Estate to Mobile Ads, thus higher CTR

Perhaps the most important innovation to Google’s new analytics roll out is their new Expanded Text Ads. Google even calls it the “biggest change to text ads since AdWords launched 15 years ago.” So what exactly does this mean for you? Let’s start by going through what Expanded Text Ads are.

Expanded Text Ads are designed to maximize presence on mobile search results. With the removal of right side ads, Google is now implementing longer text ads that can be displayed across multiple devices.

Major Changes in Text Ad Format

  • Expanded Text Ads will now have two 30 character headlines, versus the current 25 character limit.

  • Expanded Text Ads increased the description to 80 characters, versus two 35 character description lines.

  • The Display URL is removed. Now, it automatically extracts the domain from the Final URL.

  • The Display URL is now enhanced with up to two path fields.

Here’s what Expanded Text Ads look like:

A Mobile World?

Google reported that they now receive trillions of searches and over half of those searches come from mobile. Due to this, Google rolled out Expanded Text Ads, designed to maximize presence and performance on Mobile Search. If this works on mobile, it’ll then be applied to Desktop. These Expanded Text Ads are optimized for the most popular smartphones.

What Is Their Impact On You?

While there isn’t an immediate release date for Expanded Text Ads, they’re expected to be be available later this year. Early reports from Google are seeing a CTR increase as much as 20%. Expanded AdWords will make your Quality Score on AdWords even more important. Research has shown that anything below two or three search rankings on mobile devices are irrelevant. Be prepared for one of the biggest changes to search in years!

Expanded AdWords Summary Table:

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