How do you Nudge?


Ever wonder how companies and concerned citizens creatively push people towards making healthier decisions? Easy! They simply offer a nifty image or sign that helps persuade people to move in a better direction than they would have before.

For example, imagine that every time you went to the vending machine and saw the amount of sugar in each drink hovering above your selection. Would that make you more likely to choose a bottle of water or soda?

You have just experienced a nudge.

Fortunately, we’ve just created a fun way to get people aware of this phenomenon!

Just to get started, what is a Nudge?

A nudge is a Positive reinforcements that help people make happier and healthier decisions.

How do you get started?

Use the hashtag #NudgeSpotting now until to September 16 in a Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn post and tag NetElixir.

The rules are very simple:
  • Use imagery with minimal content.
  • Tag NetElixir and use #NudgeSpotting.
  • Enter as many times as you’d like.

Now you’re probably wondering what the prize is. Our lucky winners will get a $25 Starbucks gift card and a signed copy of  Nudge: Improving Designs about Health, Wealth, and Happiness by Harvard Law School Professor, Cass R. Sunstein.

We’ll announce our winners at this year’s annual X=Experience event so stay tuned!

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