How Much Money is Your Company Making? The ROI Calculator Can Tell You

Calculating how much revenue an online marketing campaign is making can be difficult and extremely time consuming.

At NetElixir, we understand how you may not have all the time in the world to make these calculations, but we also recognize that return on investment is something very important to know. That is why we have created the ROI Calculator – to easily compute the profitability of your online marketing program in seconds! Our ROI Calculator is complete with two customized versions so you get the exact answer you need. One version will solely calculate the cost and revenue of your online marketing program. Our second version will dive deeper into the analysis of your program and calculate a few different categories, such as cost-per-click, to make sure your company is earning the most money possible.  The ROI calculator is quick, simple, effective and free and will allow your company to make great strides in online marketing.

The ROI Calculator is just one of the powerful, simple & FREE online marketing tools available on our newly released LXRMarketplace. Try it at: & start improving your online marketing campaigns today!

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