SEO: Site Speed – It Does Matter – Part 2

As an addition to yesterday’s post on SEO Site Speed, we have a few quick updates based on Google’s new Hummingbird update:

  1. The Hummingbird update actually happened 1 month ago; Google just announced it yesterday (September 26th)
  2. If you haven’t seen drops in rankings yet – you probably won’t, since the update has already been live for some time
  3. Any speculation about algorithm updates (August 21st, September 4th, etc.) can be attributed to this update
  4. Nothing has been dropped from the algorithm – i.e. site speed is still a very large part of rankings
  5. Google is trying to deliver results faster and even more accurate
  6. The update is geared toward ‘conversational’ searches – like how you would speak a question into your iPhone. Google is trying to identify the ‘meaning’ behind the words – not only trying to match words to searches

Share your thoughts about the new update with us!

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