Tweets In SERP, Google Indexing – #ThisWeekInSEO

Tweets in SERP

Tweets In SERP

This week, August 23 – 29, 2015, came with the arrival of some familiar blue birds in the Google SERP. Find out what happened with Twitter and Google and everything else you need to know that happened #ThisWeekInSEO in our weekly video, led by our Global SEO Head, Shawn Swaim!

Watch this week’s video and find out:

  • What’s new about tweets in the Google search results
  • What this could mean for social media and SEO
  • What you can do to use this to your advantage

Then stay tuned as we follow up on last week’s #ThisWeekInSEO post, where we discussed the importance of using structured data to have your site be properly indexed by search engines. We’ll bring you through an easy step-by-step process to implement structured data for your site!

If you want to learn more about how you can improve your SEO, or need more help implementing your structured data, request your free SEO Analysis with one of our SEO experts today!

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