Yandex Penalties, Potential Algorithm Risk – #ThisWeekInSEO

Yandex Penalties, Potential Algorithm Risk - #ThisWeekInSEO


This week, September 6 – September 12, 2015, was bad news for blackhat SEOs who were selling backlinks! Yandex, the largest Russian search engine, issued hundreds of penalties to sites who were found to be selling backlinks. To stay a step ahead, we’ll walk you through how to analyze your site for potential risk for an upcoming algorithm change.

Find out about the Yandex penalties, how to keep your site safe, and everything else that happened #ThisWeekInSEO in our weekly video, led by our Global SEO Head, Shawn Swaim!

Watch this week’s video and find out:

  • How many sites were hit with Yandex’s penalty

  • Why Yandex issued these penalties

  • How to identify potential algorithm change risk for your site

If you want to learn more about how you can improve your site’s SEO, request your free SEO Analysis with one of our SEO experts today!

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